Music (Guitar)

Learn guitar at home and get a spare at school!

Music (Guitar)

Whether you want to stand in front of sold-out crowds hearing people chant your name or just want to strum a few chords by the campfire, your first step is to find a good instructor who can clear the path for your musical future. Even if you've never touched a guitar before, this course can help you get started.

By using your phone to record your progress, you can submit videos of yourself to our Google Classroom and earn a Music credit. A feature that makes this course really unique is the pacing: while there is descriptive feedback on your playing throughout the course, all of the marked playing assignments are at the beginning and end, so it's just as easy to do the course independently or by simply recording the practice you're already doing for music lessons you take. The marks assigned through the middle of the course involve researching the techniques used by the musicians who inspire you and learning to record yourself with your phone or computer.

If you want to get a broad base as a musician while earning a high school credit (and spare at your day school), this is the best place in Ontario to do it.

image of a successful student

"It was actually really fun to learn about the influences of the musicians I like. I was surprised at how much it didn't really feel like work."

Cooper W.

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It's never been easier to learn from home and earn a high school credit!


While the majority of the course is spent playing guitar, there are a few written assignments throughout, as well as a culminating assignment where you discuss your musical influences and plan a tour for your band. Both reading and improvisation are covered in this course, so that you have a good foundation to learn new repertoire, as well as the skills to play with others in a band.

Course Overview

Units 1 & 2: Introduction

In these units, students familiarize themselves with the parts of the guitar, and begin playing their first notes. Students submit two video assignments which confirm that they are holding instrument properly and are able to successfully make a clear note.

Units 3 - 6: Building Skills

Students work through their method book while developing skills. Assignments in this section are all written, so that if you are already working with a teacher, they can use their methods tailored to your needs in getting you to the final destination. If you're not working with a teacher, we follow the Hal Leonard Guitar Method, Book 1, which is one of the most popular guitar learning method books, and has been used by countless guitarists to help them get started playing.

Units 7 & 8: Creating a Product

Students produce an original composition in C Major (another scale could be substituted if more relevant to your playing style), and create an analysis of their musical goals and influences.

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